Leechburg Area School District Home
Main Shuffle (new site)

Mickey Morandini, sporting his Leechburg hat at the PA State Baseball Coaches Association Conference

Mr. Shimer with Mickey Morandini, sporting his Leechburg hat

Congratulations to our Middle School Student of the Month for November/December! She was nominated by Mrs. Flick

Congratulations to our High School Student of the Month for November/December! She was nominated by Mrs. Barley

Elementary Choir

Santa and his helpers spreading Christmas cheer!

Grinch day in 4th grade

Grinch day in 4th grade

Middle School and High School combined choir

Middle School and High School combined choir

High School choir

Middle and High School band concert

Senior Football Players

2024 Senior Night

Grades 3-5 participated in a Drug Awareness Assembly put on by the Leechburg Elks

Congratulations to this year's Homecoming Queen, Rachel Reinke!
Seniors at the Armstrong County Marching Band Festival
The Armstrong County Marching Band Festival
Senior guard members
Homecoming Court 2024

Our mascot at the annual Bonfire

2024 Leechburg Blue Devils Captains

Varsity Cheer Captains

Meet your Band Leadership students!

2024-2025 Junior High Cheer Captains

Congratulations to the Leechburg Video Club as they were awarded the “Award of Excellence” from the DMAC video competition for their music video.

Spanish 4 & 5 Seniors participated in a Historic Pittsburgh Segway Tour today. Señora Shank says it was very informative and highly recommends it!

Spanish 4 & 5 Seniors participated in a Historic Pittsburgh Segway Tour today. Señora Shank says it was very informative and highly recommends it!

Spanish 4 & 5 Seniors participated in a Historic Pittsburgh Segway Tour. Señora Shank says it was very informative and highly recommends it!

On Wednesday, May 15th members of the Spanish Club took part in the Gateway Clipper Cultural Dinner Cruise

On Wednesday, May 15th members of the Spanish Club took part in the Gateway Clipper Cultural Dinner Cruise.

Ms. Fischer’s Biology 2 class visited the Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Leechburg Area Pool Clean Up Day
Leechburg Area Pool Clean Up Day

Mrs. Ferretti and students placing flags at our local cemeteries

Mrs. Ferretti and students placing flags at our local cemeteries
Students placing flags at our local cemeteries

Headed to Brookville High School to represent Leechburg at PMEA District 3 Bandfest!

Senior Softball Players

Girls Varsity Softball Team

Junior, Katie Monroe, representing Leechburg at the PMEA Region II Chorus @ Oil City High School

Band members at IUP

Senior Choir Members

2nd Annual DLE Color Fun Run

2nd Annual DLE Color Fun Run

2024 Spring Season

2024 Spring Season

PBIS Rewards - Top Blue Buck earners

Track & Field Team

PBIS Rewards - Top Blue Buck earners

Springdale Meet 4/15/24

Springdale Meet 4/15/24

Creation Cafe celebrated the solar eclipse with a color changing drink, shirts made in art class, and solar eclipse themed snacks!


Jr. County Choir

PBIS Rewards - Top Blue Buck earners

Leechburg Winterguard in their first performance of the season

Pre-K celebrating Read Across America Week

4th Grade celebrating Read Across America Week

Pre-K celebrating Read Across America Week

Celebrating Read Across America Week

ABC Book Day- Wear a shirt with words!

PreK Transition to Kindergarten event

PMEA District 3 Choir students and Mr. Orange

Junior County Band Participants and Band Director, Mr. Mrochek

Science Club at the Winter Flower & Light Show at Phipps Conservatory

PMEA District 3 Band

The cast of The Mousetrap, by Agatha Christie

Congratulations to these students for a job well done participating in Armstrong County Band!

A group of students attended the Build On event hosted by the Builders Guild of Western PA. Students were able to try many hands-on activities from different trade unions and apprenticeships programs.

2nd Grade had some special visitors from Westmoreland County Community College.

Dental students Miss Stephaney and Miss Heidi stopped in today to teach 2nd Grade about dental health.
The 2nd graders had a blast with BiG Mouth Bob.

Seniors, learning how to change a tire and other basic car care from Mr. Orange.

Jordan, from Listen Lucy, sharing one of her books with our 4th and 5th grade students. Thank you Jordan!

Jr. High Football

Jr. High Football

Jr. High Football team vs. Springdale

Our 2023 Homecoming Queen!

PIMBA @ Kiski

Varsity Football

Jr. High Football Game

PIMBA at Kiski

4th grade students wearing red white and blue on 9/11

PIMBA @ KISKI 🎶 9/9/23 🎶

PIMBA @ Kiski 9/9/23

PIMBA @ KISKI 9/9/23

Jr. High Football

Jr. High Cheerleaders

Some of the Varsity Football players at the Annual Bonfire

Varsity Cheerleaders for the 2023-2024 school year

Jr. High Cheerleaders for the 2023-2024 school year

Marching Band and Color Guard performing at Preview Night

5th graders on their first day of school

Marching Band performing at Preview Night

Jr. High football team

Marching Band and Colorguard performing at Preview Night

Marching Band and Colorguard performing at Preview Night

Fun at Preview Night

Marching Band and Colorguard performing at Preview Night

Varsity Football team & coaches

End of the year Glow Party for elementary students


Information about Flexible Instructional Days

Volunteer Application

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
We have had changes occur at every level, and I will start by sharing them with the district-level team. First, we hired Mr. Gregory Cessna as our new business manager. Greg has a wide range of experience in finance, and I couldn’t be happier for him to join our team. Greg is currently the Controller / Director of Financial Operations at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Greg previously served as a business manager in the Homer-Center School District for seven years and as the business manager at the Indiana County Technical Center. Greg earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from IUP and is a certified public accountant in Pennsylvania. Greg will be starting in the district on August 21st, 2024. Greg replaces Mrs. Teresa Edinger, who recently left the district.
Another new addition to our team is Mr. Eric Barker, who will be serving as our Technology Manager. Mr. Barker holds a Bachelor of Science in Informational Systems from Carnegie Melon University and a master’s in science in Strategic Communications from Indiana University of PA; he previously served as the Chief Technology Officer at Kencove Farm Fence Supplies and as the information technology manager at IUP. As part of our Questeq team, he will oversee the district's technology needs, ensuring a seamless and efficient technological environment for our students and staff.
At the high school, we're thrilled to welcome back Dr. Tyler Vargo to Leechburg Jr./ Sr. High School. His 21 years of educational experience, including nine years as a secondary social studies teacher here at Leechburg, four years as an assistant principal, and eight years as the middle school principal at Knoch School District. Tyler will be a valuable asset to the administrative team at LASD. He is replacing Mr. Rogers, who will teach 6th grade ELA this upcoming year.
Rounding out the changes in our leadership team brings us back to an individual who has been in the district for the past ten years. Mr. Frank Komar, who served as the Director of Special Education over the past three years, will now serve as the Elementary Principal / Director of Special Education. Frank previously taught at Pittsburgh Public Schools and Penn Hills before coming to Leechburg.
As we approach the new school year, the leadership team strives to understand the needs of our stakeholders to support students and parents as much as possible. To accomplish this goal, surveys will be used to learn more about your perspectives of the district's current state and guide us as we move forward. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey below. The link will also be available on our district website
Dr. Keibler

The technology/facility committee meetings scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2024 have been rescheduled for Monday, July 29, 2024 at 6:00 pm
The LASD combined agenda setting and regular voting meeting schedule for Wednesday, July 10, 2024 is cancelled. The next agenda setting meeting will occur on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
Congratulations to the Video Club!


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