Volunteer Clearance Information
School volunteers are valuable members of the Leechburg Area School District team. Through donating your time and talents, you can help the Leechburg Area School District continue to provide the tools, knowledge and resources for our students to succeed in and out of the classroom.
As a result of Pennsylvania laws, all volunteers must obtain clearances. Clearance information has changed greatly over the past several years. Clearances are needed for all adult individuals who are responsible for the welfare of a child or have direct contact with children. Some examples of these individuals would be school personnel, chaperones, sports coaching volunteers, contractors, host families, etc.
There is a difference between a visitor and a volunteer. Visitors are not required to obtain background checks to the extent that such visitors are not responsible for a child’s welfare or are visiting the school irregularly and not providing for the care, supervision, guidance, or control of children. If you desire to volunteer at the Leechburg Area School District please contact the school Administrator for information and specific contacts. All Leechburg Area School District volunteers must be approved by our School Board prior to commencing any volunteer service.
All individuals who are determined to be considered a volunteer/personnel must have the following clearances Per School Board Policy 907.1:
1. Act 34 PA Criminal Background Check https://epatch.pa.gov
2. Act 151 PA Child Abuse History Clearance http://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home
3. Act 114 FBI Fingerprint– Only needed if individual is receiving pay or has not lived in Pennsylvania for the previous 10 years.
- You must state you need fingerprinting for the school district.
- Leechburg’s VOLUNTEER fingerprinting service code is 1KG6ZJ.
NOTE: If individual is a volunteer and has lived in Pennsylvania for the previous 10 years – then a Volunteer Disclosure form can be used instead of the FBI fingerprint. https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances/Pages/default.aspx
4. Tuberculin Test (test results are needed from doctor & must be less than one year)
- This test is only required ONE time and does not need to be redone
5. Act 24 Arrest & Conviction https://www.education.pa.gov/Educators/Clearances/Laws/Pages/default.aspx
- Click on PDE Form 6004
6. Volunteer Application https://www.leechburg.k12.pa.us/apps/form/form.LEEASD.tV2psIV.1nI_
7. PA Photo ID
Clearances are valid for five (5) years if there has not been more than one (1) year break in service.
Clearances can be hand-delivered, mailed or electronically sent [[email protected]] to Leechburg Area School District administrative offices.
Please do not send clearances to school with your children. The district will not be held accountable for anything sent to school with a student and not delivered to the administrative office. Please do not send Facebook messages, as they will not be answered.
Volunteer Application Packet
Volunteer Disclosure Form
Volunteers- Frequently Asked Questions