Frank Komar
Special Education Director
724-842-0571 Ext. 103
Paula Moore
Administrative Assistant for Guidance, Special Education, Psychology, & Athletics
724-842-0571 Ext. 104
Please read the following information in regards to a policy change that took effect September of 2023. Should you have any questions in regards to this change please contact Mr. Frank Komar, Director of Special Education, at 724-845-7701 ext 103 or [email protected].
"IDEA requires states to make FAPE available to “all children with disabilities residing in the state between the ages of 3 and 21, inclusive.” In Pennsylvania, every child between the ages of six and 21 years is entitled to attend the public schools in their school district of residence until graduation from high school or the end of the school term in which a student reaches the age of 21 years, whichever occurs first. Based on these legal provisions, the commonwealth previously made FAPE available to students with disabilities until the end of the school term in which they reach their 21st birthday.
Over the past decade, states that have been providing public education through adult education programs to individuals between the ages of 21 and 22 have extended the age of eligibility for special education through age 21 to comply with section 1412(a)(1)(B) of IDEA. In Pennsylvania, adult education programs are made available to individuals between the ages of 21 and 22. See 24 P.S. § 6403. These programs receive public funding and are free to students, are under public direction and supervision, and provide secondary education. Therefore, PDE has concluded that Pennsylvania’s adult education programs constitute public education for the purposes of section 1412(a)(1)(B) of IDEA, and Pennsylvania is required to make FAPE available to students with disabilities until their 22nd birthday."